1 thought on “Mixed Messages: Winning Isn’t Everything, Except When It Is

  1. The MMA press fucking sucks. I saw a press conference before the fight where Dana said it really wasn’t a loser leaves town match”. He said if they both went out an put on a show like Hunt v Bigfoot then “how could he possibly cut them?”

    White did say it was a last chance match, months ago in a press conference but he was promoting a completely different even and Mir and Overeem had just signed. It was an off the cuff comment and he’s obviously thought about it more since. The journalist at the time said “Is this a ‘loser leaves town’ match”? And Dana, clearly with his mind still on the last question said something like “yeah definitely, they’re both on a real skid right now”. If this journalist had done his research and maybe watched the press conference I as a fan found, then he wouldn’t have wrote such an uninformed article with so many factual errors.

    I’m sick of the MMA world and it’s Dana hate. I’d love to call Dana out on a lot of stuff but legitimate issues just lost in all this crap. What a fucking joke MMA reporting is.

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