Conor McGregor has vowed to pledge 1 million euros of protective equipment in order to help battle the COVID-19 outbreak in Ireland.
Yesterday McGregor issued a heartfelt plea to the people of Ireland saying,
“True lockdown must begin and it must begin now. Any time that we spend in the debating it is time wasted”
He released the plea through his social media accounts directed at the people of Ireland and the rest of the world.
Today he doubled down when he released a conversation he had on Instagram with Irish Minister Paschal Donohue. In the text exchanges Donohue asked McGregor his advice of the current situation. McGregor offered his two cents and then went on to say that he has purchased 1 million euro of protective equipment to be deployed to all the fighting hospitals in the Leinster Region. You can read the full exchange below.
As of today Leinster and in particular Dublin is the most affected region in the country of Ireland. As of writing this Ireland stands at 1,564 with 9 deaths. Dublin has the highest number of cases at 559