5 thoughts on “A letter in response to TV3’s “Late Review with Tom McGurk” debate on MMA

  1. I think John represented the sport very well. The lack of knowledge from everyone else is just standard unfortunately. I don’t think there was anything here that John didn’t expect or hadn’t heard before. He responded with well reasoned and informed arguments and made his point well.

  2. I read as far as ‘and rugby seems to cater only for a certain section of society’ . Turns out you are as hypocritical and I’ll-informed as McGurk.

  3. After reading the article/letter, I was expecting the typical RTE(Irish National TV Broadcaster) hijack job and at times in the interview I can see that it looked to be leaning over that way but I thought it was a fairly honest and representative piece overall.

    Here’s my breakdown…

    — The Location :
    Set on a 1950’s style TV show masquerading in the mental space of Oirland in 2015

    — The Contenders, FIIIIGHTING !!!(Buffer Style) in the Red Corner.. etc etc.
    2 x Irish Media Dinosaurs, vs 1 Gym owner / coach of a modern martial arts sport.

    1 a (supposedly)respected sports(boxing) writer, the other a broadcaster and rugby commentator VS a younger sports coach for a relatively brand new sport by 1950’s Irish standards.

    — Facts of the fight.
    Just like in all western countries, RTE as a national broadcaster(state funded media network) is closely allied to and influenced by government approval in keep their audience happy, meaning keeping them dumb as a dogs ass but mildly annoyed enough to argue with each other instead of thinking for themselves and forming an opinion based on facts.

    The programming therefore must appeal to the cross section of the voting pubic that the government actually cares about because they need to get votes from somewhere, i.e. the people born circa 1950 or before, the elites, the political class, the flag-waving intellectual traitors, the extreme right wing(pro-choice/god/racism/homophobia/ignorance/backwardness etc.) In this demographic you find the core concentration of the politicians best friends.

    Using mostly unintentional and various methods like “concision of arguments” the rugby commentator dinosaur defaulted in position to back up the the boxing writer dinosaur and it seemed a bit one sided and head banging off a wall, stupid early on.

    To be fair, the point about the UFC being a large marketing based business model and being as much about entertainment and spectacle as opposed to a traditional sport with a grass roots history is a valid one.

    The UFC is a private company which has a priority to make financial profits over anything related to setting up a national recognised sporting organisation. All the martial arts have a very long history but the format of MMA or as I knew it as a kid “Jeet Kun Do” is a relatively new concept compared to the history of boxing, wrestling and so on…

    In the UFC’s defence though the sport is young and it’s going to take a hell of a lot longer than twenty years to reach the point of having MMA as a national sport in any country. Something to look forward to.

    People like John Kavanagh are a credit to any sport and certainly a huge credit to Irish MMA.
    The young feisty sporting pioneer easily held his own and his deft mental and articulation skills were never in question so he easily held is own without his heart missing a beat. Plus if things got physical he would have had the fastest double submission/TKO in TV history.

    To be fair to Jurassic Park, this is what happens and not just in Ireland. Nothing new, apart from the retro haircuts and TV set, and they made a decent show of it with a few good points.

    I know I’m making fun of them but people need to chill out with the abuse and the overly defensive and protectionist stance like there’s a group of old bastards trying to kill their new born baby. Give them some time, most of them actually like it and at least find it fascinating or they wouldn’t be having these TV throwback homage shows in the first place. I would bet my limbs that 80% of the people are either indifferent or fully behind any Irish success on the world stage.

    Seriously, if this were a threat to UFC or MMA in Ireland or anywhere else the sport has got far more serious problems in establishing a long-term future and serious growth

    I’m not a huge, huge fan etc. of UFC but I do love true martial arts. The UFC is not really delivering that for me at the moment but it is serious combat prize fighting and a lot of fun to watch sometimes, especially with the Irish blazing a fast trail right to the top of it.

    I’m a huge fan of McGregor for his fighting skill and his banter is the hilarious bonus. I’m from Dublin but I’m no less excited and impressed by the fighting skill and allbeit a “quiet man” or “The Nees..” style of Donegal’s own Joe Duffy. Exciting times for Ireland.

    Anyway, having said all that, I will reach total commitment and dedicate the rest of my life in worship of UFC and MMA if SBG can produce my ultimate fighter.

    A bi-gender athlete who mixes it up with Championship Boxing, Wing Chun Kung Fu, Shotokan Karate, Mua Thai Kick Boxing, Aikido Ju Jitsu and Capoirea all in one free form style…

    With the added spectacle of WWE style wrestling moves and a bit less of the slow grappling ground game….

    Basically, a warrior that’s like some kind of mutant fantasy Street Fighter/Tekken character we can all be proud of..


  4. What a low blow this interview..
    John was setup and sandwiched
    here..Well done John, You handled it like a pro and a gentleman.

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